A Game of Fitness: Prioritizing Health for Tennis Players

A Game of Fitness: Prioritizing Health for Tennis Players

Tennis is a sport that demands not only skill and strategy but also robust physical health. From the explosive movements required to reach a ball on the baseline to the agility needed for lightning-fast returns at the net, tennis places significant demands on the body. As such, prioritizing health is paramount for tennis players seeking…

Nutritional Tips for Tennis Players

Nutritional Tips for Tennis Players

Nutritional Tips for Tennis Players (Source: Advanced Techniques for Competitive Tennis by Richard Schönborn): Carbohydrates, serving as the fuel for a player’s muscles, should be consumed at a rate of 6 grams per kilogram of body weight daily. For example, a 60 kg player would require 360 grams of carbohydrates What to eat? -Starch, from…